SBB’s Expertisepunt Specialistisch Vakmanschap supports small, specialist and unique occupations and their courses at mbo-level and with relevance for the Dutch economy.
What if there are no more courses for very small branches? That is already the case for many professions. And there is demand for these skills. That is why we must try to keep the small education courses that still exist alive. And we have to get young people interested in them. The Education Days and the Festival are an excellent opportunity to do so.
The Expertisepunt Specialistisch Vakmanschap contributes to the preservation and visibility of small, specialist professions and their training courses and to lifelong development (lateral entry). We also work to encourage cooperation between funded and non-funded education for small, craft and specialist professions.
We would like to engage with visitors to the Ambacht in Beeld Festival about interesting opportunities in secondary vocational education and the labour market.
For deans, mentors and parents of students who will participate in the Ambacht in Beeld Education Days, the Expertisepunt Specialistisch Vakmanschap will give a presentation on small, artisanal and specialist education courses in senior secondary vocational education (MBO) and their labour market opportunities.