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Ambacht in Beeld Festival
NDSM Loods, Amsterdam-Noord

Education days


Education days 2023


NEW: Are you a creative student with an urge to make? Get acquainted with artisanal vocational training schools!


WHERE: NDSM Loods Amsterdam.


WHEN: September 21 and 22, 2023 (save the date!).


WHAT: Workshops, demonstrations, information stands, meet–the–maker, documentaries and more.


Have a look at the program (in Dutch).


Free access.


Are you a student at vmbo, havo or vwo and looking for your next step in education?


Come to the Education Days of the Ambacht in Beeld Festival on September 21 and 22, 2023. Attend free workshops, roll up your sleeves and get acquainted with all kinds of artisanal vocational training institutions from all over the Netherlands.


A selection of the participating schools (partly subject to change):


You can sign up via – you will receive your free entrance ticket the week before the event.


The Ambacht in Beeld Foundation is starting this new initiative to generate more awareness, visibility, appreciation and students for small-scale craft vocational training. The Expertise Center for Specialist Craftsmanship of the SBB is a cooperation partner.